Quick Installation (If you don't have an Ixemul environment installed in your system) : * Notice that due to RAM's diskname contains a space character, decompressing and testing Lynx in RAM: can fail. To avoid this, put this line into S:STARTUP-SEQUENCE : relabel "Ram Disk:" RamDisk This is useful for other apps that don't work correctly when there are spaces in paths - Copy the contents of SYS: to the matching directories - Run 'gg-startup' - Run 'epic' (I've defined an alias (alias irc epic Your_Nickname) in s:startup-sequence so by typing 'irc server_name' i connect to the server with my nick) - You can read the help files by typing '/help' - Remember that paths have to be like: /device/path or /assign/path (for example, if you wanna DCC send menu.html in dh0:internet/docs, you have to type /dcc send nickname /dh0/internet/docs/menu.html) - Using KingCON or Vinced can result in strange behaviour Hope this is enough. Please download latest ixemul libraries before using this program. Email me if you've probs: Fr3dY (fr3dy@retemail.es)